الجمعة، 14 ديسمبر 2012

Chest clinic and sleep disorders

Peck of sleep

* I feel and I'm sleeping I Peck of sleep and I felt I cannot breathe and be breathing with difficulty and repeated to me the problem during sleep and also East hours UTA and I sleep, I cough after CDDA stayed I felt I could not breathe well. Recently, I began breathing problems so I am awake it is pulling air like need difficult breathing should automatically and the human bisbeb I feeling fast and heart strikes hours heard the heartbeat in my ear ...

-Shortness of breath has many causes, including causes breathlessness during sleep just like blockage of the airway during sleep and symptoms of snoring including causes breathlessness during sleep and while awake, such as asthma and allergies and their symptoms of wheezing or zooms while breathing and acid reflux from the stomach into the esophagus and its sense of acidity. Without a doubt that you have trouble breathing but difficult to identify precisely the question but can be identified and treated when detected. You need to visit a doctor who specializes in diseases of the chest for detection. Test may need to breathe. You may need to test to exclude sleep sleep apnea.

Birds accessories

* I've got bird accessories and I'm always eating places and given them cleaner every day two weeks ago, cleaned them, and now I'm tired and I feel that all my body hurts and my chest hurt and all my bones and my joints and I feel a heavy cough discreetly my breath.

Your symptoms may be severe flu symptoms (not avian influenza). I recommend you see a specialist as soon as possible. Birds may cause human illnesses brassieres either because of allergies or because of some infectious diseases such as pneumonia for a specific type of bacteria. But as I mentioned earlier I think that you have a severe flu and must see a doctor and work up to the chest and clinical examination.

I feel very idle and drowsiness

* My problem I slept more than nine hours a day and the beginning stages of sleepiness at 8 pm. And every day I sleep between 9-10 pm to 7 am. Number of hours may be normal but I am forced ... They feel very idle and severe drowsiness.I don't know whether the subject myself or my body?

-Different number of sleeping hours human needs from person to person and teen and early young adulthood, the young may need hours of sleep a little longer. If you feel the activity during the day, mostly because you do not have a problem. You can delay your sleep time for a NAP during the day as your time permits.

Relationship between asthma and pulmonary fibrosis

* Is there a relationship between asthma and pulmonary fibrosis? And could not cure asthma to lung fibrosis?

-Asthma differs radically from lung fibrosis. While Asthma affects streams (kosibat) air, lung fibrosis affects essentially the alveoli. Also, asthma causes breathing tests ansdadia imbalance in lung fibrosis, while causing an imbalance bound due to lung stiffness. Symptoms and clinical signs of different asthma patients does not cause fibrosis Chairman

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