الاثنين، 17 ديسمبر 2012

Diet to lose weight may cause depression

Diet to lose weight may cause depression
Change diet causes great sensitivity to stressful situations
Eating foods rich in fats and sugars chemical changes can occur in the brain that makes the person who followed a diet to lose weight feel as if it were a drug addict suffering withdrawal of the drug from the body.

A study has shown the lab animals, that mice that were fed on foods rich in fats and sugars have Neurological chemical changes occur in the brain are different from those in rats who were fed to healthy foods.

She said the study author Dr. Stephanie Fulton: "the chemical changes that occur in the brain as a result of the diet depression. From here you can change the diet causes symptoms of withdrawal of the drug from the body and great sensitivity to stressful situations, which the patient enters a vicious cycle of eating unhealthy foods.

We feed a group of mice with a low-fat diet for six weeks, providing food rich in fat to another group of rats, and to analyze the difference in impact on the behaviour of animals. Then the researcher tested the effect of the relationship between bonus animals food, emotional and behavioural outcomes, and using several methods, scientifically proven. As the lab rat's brain were analyzed in both groups.

The researchers found that the Group fed food rich in fat showed signs of concern such as avoiding open spaces and physical changes in the brain of mice.

There is a chemical in the brain known as the dopamine that allows brain that is equivalent to the person with a good feeling, which motivates people to follow certain behaviors. This article is produced through the part called CREB, which regulate the activity of genes that play a role in brain function, it also contributes to the memory.

Has proven that the part is being activated CREB in brain of mice fed a lot of fat. These same rats also recorded an increase in levels of the hormone corticosterone which is linked to a sense of tension, and this explains the feeling depressed and negative behaviour experienced by the person who deals with the food rich in fat and sugar. Really strange that these changes occur before the person reaches for obesity.

Previous studies have indicated that a diet rich in saturated fats and refined sugars can lead not only to obesity but also to changes in the person's brain makes him more willing to eat more food

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