الأربعاء، 16 يناير 2013

Sacculations ovarian ...Its causes are still Boggle doctors!!

Cause delay pregnancy and disorders and increased hair ...
Sacculations ovarian ...Its causes are still Boggle doctors!!
Sacculations,ovarian,Stem cells,Multiple Sclerosis,Ms,Health,Medicine,Disease,الخلايا الجذعيه,الصحه,الطب,الامراض,التصلب المتعدد

X-ray sacculations ovary

Prof. Mohammed bin Hassan adar

Many girls and women alike from one of the medical problems that unfortunately have become commonplace and are sacculations ovaries. This issue has become a concern for women as well as to specialist doctors in gynaecology. And it baffled doctors in this area more than patients and because of the emergence of this problem in women with rapidly especially in the last 10 years, where we were before this period rarely seen such cases and not surprised at frequent questions from mothers who have daughters of this disease at an early age and that may sometimes occur immediately after puberty, causing these young girls severe menstrual disorders of irregular altamthih session with a heavy amount of Blood and hair growth on the face and abdomen and frequent acne and most annoying girls weight gain. Women of childbearing age who suffer as well as for menstrual disorders and weight gain to weak ovulation and thus delayed pregnancy or even the inability to reproduce.
Sacculations,ovarian,Stem cells,Multiple Sclerosis,Ms,Health,Medicine,Disease,الخلايا الجذعيه,الصحه,الطب,الامراض,التصلب المتعدد
Many of the symptoms of acne

Is a disease of the ovaries where occurs natural ovulation process disorder due to hormonal imbalance in the body and is sometimes in conjunction with several symptoms appear together on the patient and then called PCOS such as menstrual disorders increased body weight and the emergence of bristle in different areas of a woman's body, and sometimes a disease no symptoms and can detect its presence encountered during routine testing of the patient.
Sacculations,ovarian,Stem cells,Multiple Sclerosis,Ms,Health,Medicine,Disease,الخلايا الجذعيه,الصحه,الطب,الامراض,التصلب المتعدد
May accompany Polycystic ovaries diabetes

The prevalence of Polycystic ovaries and appearance

A very common gynecological diseases incidence varies from country to country and overall incidence ranges from 5-10% and this is increasing for unknown reasons and do not know the exact proportion of this disease in our society but our profile that we look for much more.
Sacculations,ovarian,Stem cells,Multiple Sclerosis,Ms,Health,Medicine,Disease,الخلايا الجذعيه,الصحه,الطب,الامراض,التصلب المتعدد
There is a strong link between weight gain and disease

Reasons for the emergence of Polycystic ovaries

The real causes of the disease is unknown and there are believed to be hereditary nature of the disease and thought that gene type and socializing appear when women with male pattern baldness when women and inherited genetic disease is undetected so far, and more ages of this disease is a teen with a rapid increase of weight at this age as well as hormonal changes fast.

Symptoms of Polycystic ovaries

Previously we mentioned the symptoms very different and can be discovered by chance during a periodic inspection of the patient and diagnosed with ovarian balaltrasaond pictures and is a 10-12 eggs the size of 8-10 mm in circumference.

The remaining symptoms are:

1. menstrual disorder and this disorder comes in the form of interruption or gap in the session, dropping an initial or secondary may be dependent on the degree of the disease.

2. weakness and disorder in ovulation and this leads to delay pregnancy and cases of primary or secondary infertility.

3. increase in weight so that the rate of patient weight BMI > 30KG and usually increase in weight in the trunk and extremities, this is caused by a disorder in the level of fats in the body and including a Leptin

4. the appearance of coarse hair in different parts of a woman's body and Chin and mustache area as well as the lower abdomen and chest, this occurs as a result of hormone disorder.

5. increase the incidence of acne and greasy skin.

6. repeated projection because of high hormone LH in the body.

7. have Polycystic ovaries is accompanied by high blood pressure and diabetes.

Reasons for the emergence of these symptoms:

It is not entirely clear hormonal changes that occur in Polycystic ovaries but most important is the high level of the hormone insulin in more than 50% of cases, and this hormone secreted by the pancreas and its primary function is the paten (diskos) in the cell membrane and then with alklokos particles and passes from the blood into the cells that are used to produce energy and metabolic processes.

In Polycystic ovaries, these molecules are unable to do the work while it is glued to a cell wall which gives the direction of pancreatic gland to sort the hormone to compensate for the lack of effectiveness and high level of the hormone.

And reflected this influence the ovaries can be summarized into two main points:

1-in response to hormonal signals from ovaries of the brain responsible for the eggs which leads to stunts eggs early and staying in the ovaries in the form of small bags.

2. increased hormone secretion from the ovaries and anniversary as well as the increased sensitivity of the cells of the body to this hormone.

Diagnosing Polycystic ovaries:

Diagnosis is difficult at the moment and depends on three factors:

I. clinical examination of the patient and see the symptoms listed previously.

II. some lab tests such as:

1. high hormone LH (a hormone induced to mature egg explosion)

2. the high level of the hormone insulin, although the level of diabetes in normal blood here due to the ineffectiveness of hormonal receptors resulting in increased excretion.

3. the high level of the hormone Testosterone anniversary.

4. the high level of the hormone milk.

5. high hormone alastradiol and alastron.

6. the low level of sexual hormone receptors.

7. sometimes accompanying disease disorders of thyroid hormones and hormone milk.

III. the best way to diagnose is by abdominal ultrasound allows examination or vaginal vaginal examination is preferable to accuracy while diagnostic accuracy to 100% while the chances of error in the abdominal examination by 30% and theorist known for polycystic ovaries is the emergence of small bags ranging from 10-12 or more measuring 8-10 mm spread over a loop such as pearl beads (string of pearls) and also occurs in the ovarian size as it once and a half to three times normal size as noted Increased concentration of ovarian tissue in the middle.

Treating Polycystic ovaries:

Is treatment of Polycystic ovaries accompanying symptoms so that there is no cure of this disease.

I. menstrual disorders:

This can be addressed by using the pill or pills regularly albrogistron with using pills Metformin with bullet weight and continue to be taken until the regular body hormones.

II. emergence of bristle: this counter is taking pills of the hormone, but these treatments require a period of 6-8 months until the occurrence of variables in this hair and roughness are advised to use other methods to remove it until the inauguration of these treatments such as laser Cauterization and using depilatories.

Third: overweight:

There is a very strong link between weight gain and disease, both of which lead to each other as the overweight can be associated with abnormal hormones which in turn lead to a sacculation and vice versa can be hormonal disorders are the cause of increased weight and very highly recommended by using food and weight loss exercises to stabilize hormonal disorder.

Fourth: infertility:

And divides two types of infertility treatment

1. drug therapy 2-surgical treatment

1. drug therapy of Polycystic ovaries:-here are also two pharmaceutical treatments:

The first type is the Metformin tablets are known as alglokovag and beans are also used to regulate blood sugar level by stimulating insulin activity in the cell that helps the body hormones and regularly reduces the severity of the disease and increase the response of ovaries of stimulant treatments must continue on these treatments for 3-12 months and this period depends on the level of the hormone insulin in this case as well as help this treatment on excessive response does not occur when you use needles or pills to stimulate ovaries and also it is recommended that you use this Pills not month period

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