الجمعة، 21 ديسمبر 2012

An expected increase in the number of cancer in Britain

An expected increase in the number of cancer in Britain
During the next 15 years will get 50 men out of every 100 cancer
cancer, Britain,

Stem cells,Multiple Sclerosis,Ms,Health,Medicine,Disease,الخلايا الجذعيه,الصحه,الطب,الامراض,التصلب المتعدد
Report of the Research Centre for cancer in Britain by an anticipated increase in the numbers of men affected by cancer to people out of every two by the year 2027 because there are more people living to age.

According to this report, during the next 15 years will get 50 men out of every 100 cancer in a period in their lives, compared with 44 per 100 in 2010.
The report also referred to an expected increase in the incidence of cancer among women during that period to reach 44 per 100 women instead of 40.

Influential factor behind this increase was due to report also finds a majority of British people longevity, living longer means an increase in cancer risk, and in Britain and other developed countries people live for long ages that make them more susceptible to cancer.

And Chief Executive of cancer research centre harbal Kumar "might be something positive to human life but that on the other side means that more of us will catch the cancer".

However, however, thanks to scientific studies that focus on cancer treatment, has been an improvement in diagnosis and treatment resulting in increased rates of disease.

Experts believe that prostate cancer and bowel and skin cancer almilanini of more cancer incidence is expected to increase during the next 15 years.

For prostate cancer researcher believes that it remains the biggest challenge with the increased numbers of those affected without access to a simple type can be determined, which could threaten a person's life.

"The prostate cancer needs further research," according to Professor Malcolm Mason expert prostate cancer cancer research centre in Britain.

"In the past 40 years have increased rates of prostate cancer in Britain three times, three quarters of the cases diagnosed in people aged over 65.

However, there is a glimpse of hope emerged when the Mayo Clinic scientists in Florida come to an enzyme called PRSS3 cause deadly prostate cancer type. Scientists believe that such disclosures could help early detection and provide better treatment to the patient.

There is also hope his cancer research center, researchers in Britain and was a scientifically known as protein b MSMB may help identify men at high risk for prostate cancer.

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