الجمعة، 14 ديسمبر 2012

An opportunity to reform life style is not an obstacle to the pleasures of life

Of us are sad illness and who among us doesn't care and beer, and we and our saddened us and our pain she hurt us, find us at the door of the Shafi questioners him pardon our wellness, desired him asking Allah for all saddened to be and be in with Chester and careworn that be and be calculated clique.

But hey, patience, Rueda, that diabetes is not as other diseases and do not like from maladies, he rejoices not pleased welaihazn angry, yes I say rejoice and say happy, so just, if we can understand what it is and if we are to understand what it is. It's really an opportunity to fix the lifestyle who complains about all of us occupation and a means to change the lifestyle each of his defect. Let us have pleased when challenged this disease and to rejoice our sick when resistance to its complications. But consistent with my readers that the chance to reform life style?

But you may ask me how that readers? Explained where to go and explain what. You say diabetes fit your nourishment that you are complaining about confusion in your sleep which serves you and fit your time experiencing disordered which you or care about, let alone a satisfactory fit, or call it a day after?. We can go to call him an offer, view that we felt made his call and we have to fix. But consistent with my readers that the chance to reform the lifestyle?.

Get one with diabetes, wander in search of food its prices low and little skriath, not only then but for unsaturated fats and carbohydrates are complex, and was not aware yesterday on fats and sugars do not deliver to concerns not to mention the complex and non-complex, saturated and unsaturated, acquired a culture is her ignorant and skill was not known. Beyond all this, aishack readers in the sincerity of my article as an opportunity to reform the lifestyle?.
Get one with diabetes, you will find in the exercise it was reluctant to exercise, and you see more movement from before the forgetful. It has become extremely familiar with sports clubs and became an expert in motor exercises, but become encyclopedia. Beyond all this, amaard to my readers that diabetes the opportunity to fix the lifestyle?

Get one with diabetes, is divorced from his bed after sleeping before Khalid after the comfort lover. It was yesterday complaining about NUMA breaks limbs and then heard his snorting sons, then here! he said had attended his sleep and sat up and tell his package and Baker and zap. One aigadl that all goodness in albacore?. Beyond all aserdt, amtrdd readers to accept my article that diabetes the opportunity to fix the lifestyle?

Convicted, reform your life style in good patterns.

Salah lifestyle easy for it to be easy and difficult to difficult decision. What person of us is done and the transaction. Recent studies have indicated that half an hour exercise a day may be enough to lose weight and increase the sensitivity of insulin receptors and prevent diabetes and other diseases associated with such as hypertension and cholesterol, etc. The question is, when will it matter and human facilitated increased its activity gradually. That issue may be difficult at the beginning, but undoubtedly will be soft when you hold them in particular that human hair comfortable movement. We find that many who are accustomed to walking or jogging, for example, do not put life and limb is not comfortable when practising this sport. The exercise always reflected positively on psychological procedure of the person feeling and are a source of relaxation and tranquillity and satisfaction. The gradient in sports or movement is desirable, for example, the person may start only to walk into a House and then walking on a road opposite the residence and then move away a bit and walk in one of the squares for walking and then attend one of the sports clubs and then turned normal to walk fast, then walked to the light and so ran until the real exercise is exercise burn calories and energy. The person may begin alone in exercise it and waits for no one accompanied by but after starting and breaking the barrier of lax, it can find from accompanied by, because many of us detract from starting the transaction, no comrade and for this it goes on time and go about it and is waiting for the comrade who has never comes. That simple change in person's behavior may be the stimulus for movement and for example replace the car walking to the mosque or the nearby places and replace the tray lift in high buildings and contribute to the work of the Interior home like washing a house or wash the car or trim tree branches, etc. To contribute and not do the whole work (though there is nothing wrong with that) will certainly advance forward movement and this is what we need. That alone may not be sufficient and should be paired with moderate, healthy food and diet that is many of us are unable to follow to reduce meals only, so that the maximum problem lies in the food between meals, is President of the obesity-causing to many. These meals are often unhealthy either carry a lot of sugars that can cause diabetes awalkthir of salts that may cause pressure. You rarely hear about «games» between meals including fruit or so. The Inspector of motor system sure to three meals per day may be many we need only two meals a day, so if we look at the amount of movement and our energy. Three meals per day could only few of us burn her madness and if so, is (no meals) undoubtedly three will lead to overweight and obesity. From the foregoing it is clear that the simple and limited change in lifestyle will lead to achieving one of the objectives of this life and is that healthy life we hold to these bodies.

* Department of Endocrinology and diabetes

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