Many types of them live without any damage in the mouth and in the intestines and the skin
Bacteria beneficial organisms can cause fatal diseases!

Hyperthermia as a result bacteria
Dr. Jaber Bin Salem Al-Qahtani
diseases are the most common diseases so that many types of viruses,
bacteria and other microorganisms that invade the human body and cause
Micro-organisms are called disease-causing pathogens. Seize nurses on some body cells and tissues and use them for their growth and reproduction. During
this process you destroy or damage to cells and tissues, thus causing
diseases, and infectious diseases can be classified by type of disease. Bacteria and viruses are the most common pathogens. But fungi and parasites and protozoans, worms can also cause infectious diseases.

Meningitis vaccination prevents them
Bacterial diseases
are single-cell organisms, and is one of the most prevalent organisms,
one tablet of soil can contain more than 100 million bacteria. Most bacteria do not cause diseases, where live many types without any damage in the mouth and in the intestines and the skin. These bacteria coexisting rarely cause diseases only if they moved towards a member not naturally exist. The
bacteria that live in the mouth, for example, can cause infection when
it enters the inner ear, but most bacterial diseases caused by
microbiology do not live naturally in the body.
Most bacterial diseases occur when the bacteria multiply rapidly in living tissues, leading to damage or kill her. The
pimples and the embers resulting from the proliferation of bacteria in
the skin, and bacterial pneumonia is caused when bacteria invade the
lungs and reproduce. And many other serious diseases, such as gonorrhea and tuberculosis caused by the multiplication of bacteria.

other types of bacteria cause disease through secretion of toxins, such
as tetanus, also known as Lockjaw, begins when the bacteria that live
naturally in Earth to body through injury and these bacteria secrete
poison affects muscles and nerves away from the wound. Food poisoning is caused by eating foods containing certain bacterial toxins. Aloshiki poisoning disease, and is one of the diseases of food poisoning, including one of the most known deadly toxins.
example, on some communicable diseases and identify their symptoms and
her custody period, period of communicability, and prevention methods.
Known as chlamydia and are parasitic bacteria, symptoms pain associated with urination in men. And
vaginal discharge in women and not see the symptoms in some women, and
cause disease pneumonia or conjunctivitis in children. Chlamydia
incubation period from 1 week to 3 weeks in adults and in children
conjunctivitis may occur in the first 10 days of life, and may develop
pneumonia after 3 to 6 weeks after birth. And the
infection in adults is approximately 16 months and unknown to children
and preventive measures for the disease is to avoid sexual contact with
infected individuals.

Scarlet fever
Caused by the Microbe and symptoms sore throat, rash, high fever and chills. The incubation period of several days to several weeks. And the infection starts from the beginning of the incubation period beyond two to three weeks from the onset of symptoms. Preventive measures there and acquired immunity to the disease as a result of the injury.
by bacterial, syphilis and symptoms known as inflammation of genital
ulcers and rash appears within the period of one to six months, and may
be ulcers in [aalshfaayf] or tongue, as the incubation period is between
10 days to 3 months and usually 3 weeks on average. For the period of communicability is variable and of two to four years after infection. With regard to preventive measures, you should not have sexual intercourse with infected.
as tuberculosis, caused by bacterial and lung disease that primarily
but may affect other organs, especially the bones, kidneys, intestines,
spleen, liver and glands. Symptoms of cough and sputum excretion accompanied by blood, chest pains, fever, night sweats, weight loss and fatigue. And loss of appetite. The incubation period varies from one person to another, but the average one to two months. With respect to infection are from the beginning the patient cough and continue for the duration of the disease. Regarding preventive measures, is to give the person also called isoniazid and Vaccine Bacillus Calmette guiren (.).
This disease causes a bacterial infection or viral meningitis is known as meningitis. Symptoms
and sore throat and fever, fever, severe headache, vomiting, stiff neck
and sensitivity to light and a red or purple skin and a change in
awareness and focus. Incubation period is between one to two weeks. And the infection starts from the congestion and vomit to the paralysis of the face and eyelid eye relaxant. With
regard to preventive measures is the fever vaccination himovills
vaccine in childhood as well as preventive vaccination and the isolation
of infected family members and vaccinating the whole family healthy.
Caused by the bacterial disease highly contagious childhood diseases. Symptoms
high fever accompanied by sore throat or sore throat with headache and
hoarseness and notes when you open mouth a pale greenish-yellow
membrane, and the incubation period is one to two weeks and the
infection from high fever and congestion even starts breathing hard and
hitting the wrist in the first year. Preventive measures are compulsory vaccination in taste.
Whooping cough
Also known as balshahok, is a bacterial disease caused by congestive seriously affects the respiratory system. Symptoms
begin with three phases the first phase called the "second phase" and
influence called "shift" and the third phase of "convalescence"
stage-like symptoms the same symptoms of Haemophilus influenzae colds,
catch a patient with breathing difficulty due to increased mucus in the
nose and throat and develop a fever. Shift phase
where inspiration is a very dangerous phase, this phase usually extends
from two to three at this stage occur cough spells. In convalescence rest cough and mucus and vomiting seem less improvement on patients. The incubation period is between 1 to 3 weeks either the infection it extends until stand cough. With regard to preventive measures, gives him a vital counter called arthrmaisin. Children immunized with the vaccine for whooping cough. It also describes the antibiotic arthromaisin to non-vaccinated persons who have prepared.
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