الاثنين، 31 ديسمبر 2012

Alkhiash plant for the treatment of rheumatism and neurological cases

Alkhiash plant for the treatment of rheumatism and neurological cases

As we mentioned last week, alkhiash is a perennial herb has many branches despite the long history of alkhiash as herb urges fun sounding to Bah allegedly rarely used today in Western herbal medicine due to potential toxicity. The seeds are used in the codified doses for the treatment of eye disorders and increase milk to nursing mothers generation. In Central Asia the roots receive famous for treating rheumatism and neurological cases, this herb is widely used in Asian medicine and Africa should beware of overdosage. In Saudi Arabia used to treat chronic malaria and in the treatment of Parkinson's disease (Parkinson 's). Also used against coughs. Used in both the Eastern and central region to treat joint pain and kidney stones. In rabigh and Madinah and Tabuk counter is used for gases and sounding board. Used with Senna in the southern region to treat rheumatism. Used with Sheikh walshvlh in the central region ksvov to treat type II diabetes as well as flatulence caused by diabetes. Also used in villages alshaibat a svov algada walahil waltarthon mixed with diabetes. The soaked and boiled alkhiash used as a gargle in cases of inflammation of the throat and larynx.

Note: the alkhiash of a poisonous plants if used non-regulated doses should not be used by children under the age of 12.

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