الثلاثاء، 25 ديسمبر 2012

Oral ulceration. Mental disorders help they appear!

Some may be recurrent and troublesome, especially when associated with the kind of pain and heartburn when eating
Oral ulceration. Mental disorders help they appear!
Stem cells,Multiple Sclerosis,Ms,Health,Medicine,Disease,الخلايا الجذعيه,الصحه,الطب,الامراض,التصلب المتعدد

Mouth sores

Multiple causes oral ulcers may get as a result of bacterial or viral infections or environmental and in other times is unknown. Some people suffer from blistering in the mouth repeatedly and annoying, so they usually accompany the kind of pain and heartburn, especially when eating. And these sores may disappear and appear again and again, human sign puzzled and concerned. Sometimes some chronic ulcers are infected but not painful and sometimes unnoticed, one discovers by accident when visiting the dentist. In General, multiple causes oral ulceration may occur as a result of bacterial or viral infections or environmental and in other times is unknown. Today we will highlight the most common ulcers appear frequently, and leave other chronic time last being need much detail.

Foot ulceration

The more ulcers commonly known as foot ulceration (Recurrent Apthous Ulcers), ulcers affect membranes lining mouth, which appears in several places in the mouth such as gums, lining of the cheek, tongue, throat and lips.

And the number of ulcers from one to a dozen scattered parts of the mouth. And be an elliptic form and superficial white membrane was covered and surrounded by redness of the surrounding tissue. Recurrent oral ulceration afflict approximately 10 to 12% of people, according to the statistics available and may infect any sexual evenly and in all ages.

The most important thing you must know is how to diagnosis and treatment. There are three types of ulcers vary according to size of ulceration and are as follows:

-Oral ulceration (Minor Apthous Ulcer): and are the most common and usually occurs in the front of the mouth and ranging from 3-6 and are small in size and usually heal within a few days.

-Large oral sores (Apthous Ulcer Major): and are less common than the previous one and no more than three lesions and a cured longer than small sores.

-Very small sores (Ulcers Herpitiform): ranging from 10-100 and are less common.

As for the causes, most unknown. But many scientists believe dentistry that mental disorders have a major impact on them as well as genetics or the patient's immune system disorders or eating certain foods that cause irritations of the mucous membranes of the mouth, which causes wounds or very hot foods.

And may accompany chemotherapy for patients with maxillofacial cancer or radiation therapy, and also causes alcohol abuse and smoking, greedily, and don't forget some diseases and digestive disorders, chronic anemia.

Therefore it is very important to medical examination to ascertain the causes of ulcers, and usually the doctor with blood testing as well as sample or swab from blistering to see if there are any viral or bacterial infections. This type of ulcers that quickly disappear with time and healing of sores may take one week or more pain is concentrated in the first two days and then gradually disappears without cause scars. Usually the duration of preventive treatment, designed to alleviate pain and prevent her excitement while eating and drinking.

Highly recommended in that period to intensify cleaning brush, PuTTY, which does not contain particles that may sometimes lead to aggravation of the ulcers.

And we recommend using a rinse for mouth contains antibiotic (Chlorhexidiene Mouth Wash) and there are also types of ointments containing alstroid material (Kenelog in Orabase).

It is also possible to spot astkhadamalmsknat (Topical Anesthesia).

Ulcers viral

Ulcers viral infections of the gums and mouth (Gingivostomatitis) are sores containing fluid and infect the lips, nose and Chin.

And because the disease is of the first damaged virus (Herpes Virus Type I) usually get before puberty and is transmitted through direct contact of infected persons.

The incubation period of the virus from 2-12 days, where many ulcers become infected children scattered in many parts of the mouth and is accompanied by high fever, headache, severe fatigue during the period of injury.

The virus may remain in the body for many years, causing several injuries in close and sometimes remain idle in the body for long periods.

If the result was repeated to activate the virus again called with the cold (cold sore) where small sores and fluid-filled and the edges of the lips.

One of the main causes of frequent these ulcers:

High temperature, low body immunity and mental disorders and sunburn.

Similar to treat these ulcers heal foot sores, recovering in a week without treatment and everything kind of preventive therapy is the use of topical NSAIDs in the case of pain and a lot of drinking water and liquids, use rinsing containing antibiotic as it is advisable to stay away from salty and sour foods and sometimes describe antivirals that might alleviate the severity of infections.

Candidosis fungi infection

Mushroom Candidosis infection (candidiasis) fungal infection is caused by the proliferation of fungus (Candida Albican) Candidosis of mouth, and usually affects people with crews moving teeth as it infects infants and old and infective diseases and worsening. As many antibiotics cause shortage of natural bacteria in the mouth (Normal Flora) and thus lead to fungal growth.

As for the form of inflammation appears in several forms, although the reason is the same type of fungus may appear in an area of the membrane or white lesions in the mucous membranes lining the mouth and may not be causing the pain.
Stem cells,Multiple Sclerosis,Ms,Health,Medicine,Disease,الخلايا الجذعيه,الصحه,الطب,الامراض,التصلب المتعدد
You might have to keep away from acids

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