الجمعة، 14 ديسمبر 2012

Yawn ...It could be a sign of some diseases!!

Science has not been able so far to explain everything about it.And when all the people as a matter of course.
Yawn ...It could be a sign of some diseases!!
Occurs when all people as a matter of course

Sleep and shows related and associated changes in behaviour occur voluntarily or involuntarily-the capacity of Almighty Creator, the Almighty said: (and your dream with his night and day and your seeking of the bounty that in verses of folk hear) "Roman 23". The researchers said they examined the MRIs four-dimensional imaging technique performed on 15 healthy fetuses in the stomachs of their mothers, published in the journal PLOS ONE last month (August 2012), they believe that yawning process associated with fetal growth, which could give doctors a new way to assess the health of unborn children. The researchers stressed that the opening of the mouth when the fetus is to yawn and not just open and annexation to the mouth during growth because their study was able to clearly distinguish between yawning and opening the mouth depending on the length of the Qatar open mouth. Because the yawn of the phenomena which accompany sleep and stress and being understanding so far, I wanted today to review these recent research reviewed the tag.

Yawn any other ayatollahs, and with people they bind him to sleep only to its largest, science could not yet explain the yawning. Though modern medicine did not show interest in the yawning so early 1980s Gregorian, yawning attention in Muslim culture. It yawns when Muslims from the devil, as narrated from Abu hurayrah may Allah be pleased with him said: the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him: ... (Yawn of the devil...) (Narrated by Muslim).
Animals have more males than females

The yawn when Muslim Adaba Arshad to Mustafa PBUH (if you yawn so couldn't return it) and the other novel: (puts his hand on it). It is mentioned by Ibn Hajar in Fath Allah said: (the gape of the Prophet never). If it appears that yawning is a bad thing, but is there a health disadvantage for yawn? I will describe to you in this article some facts about yawns and calls for reflection on the greatness of the Almighty Creator.
Believe that yawning process associated with fetal growth

It is well known that yawning occurs when all people as a matter of course, but it may be a sign of some diseases. The Hippocratic old that yawn out toxic gases by a fever, with a yawn in abundance may be a sign of disease.

And yawn is not just open mouth but accompanied by human others, beginning a long yawn by taking inspiration (4-6 seconds) then up yawning to the top and the mouth open and the air inside the lungs (2-4 seconds), followed by exhalation. The maximum duration of 10 seconds yawning. It can be accompanied by yawning YLE for the muscles of the body (tmght). If you start yawning, it cannot be stopped, but it can be modified and relaxed, and here came up in conversation (if you yawn then return it what could) narrated by Al-bukhaari in other novel: (puts his hand on it) because he cannot stop him. And the yawning is controlled at several levels in the brain from brain cortex and even the neck of the brain, a process that is very complex, involving the cranial nerves and diaphragmatic nerve that moves the diaphragm muscle and nerves of the breathing muscles and a large number of vectors such as dopamine neuron walsirotonin oxytocin and other lots.

It is understood that yawning doesn't happen in humans, but this process appears in other organisms is happens in mammals also occurs in humans. It was also noted that fish and reptiles are cutdown mouth, which resemble human open mouth when you yawn, but seems to be cutdown mouth when fish and reptiles are not accompanied by respiratory phases that occur in humans. Has been the emergence of yawning when embryos from the 15th week of pregnancy, and the yawns are common in the second half of pregnancy. More yawns when newborn and occurs for the first time after several minutes of birth and continue in the first year, but usually is not accompanied by baltmght. And be yawning in animals more males than females and more males dominating the group, either in humans, there is no difference between males and females. So scientists believe that yawning is my behavior in animals is important in communicating them. More yawns before sleep and after you wake up, but before sleep mostly yawns on altmght, while altmght tend to yawn after waking up. More yawns in some situations as a tedious work or which do not require a physical effort, such as lectures or watching TV or reading. It was noted during the drive. It also increases when hunger or before eating and when tension or pressure when bored. Some believe that yawning is contagious and this is demonstrated by modern science; it has shown over study. It has been shown that yawning might be starts seeing someone yawn or hear or read about yawning or thinking about yawns. In a recent study by Italian researchers and published in 2011 in the journal PLOS ONE, the 109 men and women of different races, the researchers found that yawning is contagious yawn more when someone from the family close to compared to yawn a friend and be less infectious when yawn a stranger. This phenomenon is not limited to humans only, had also been observed in monkeys baboons.

Modern medicine could not yet see the purpose of yawning. There are several theories, including the theory that respiratory says that yawning is to raise the level of oxygen in the blood and reduce the level of carbon dioxide, but this theory has been proven, as experience has shown that breathing air minus the increase of oxygen and carbon dioxide only yawns. The other theory says that yawning is increased awareness and focus when idle. Although this theory seems logical but tests in the laboratory and measuring electrical activity in the brain before and after yawning proved untrue. Recently, researchers found that yawning increases blood flow in the brain causing increased vigilance.
So far, science has not been able to interpret every related

Left to know that excessive yawning may be a satisfactory, there are many diseases increase yawns like chronic-degenerative neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease and ischemic strokes and brain lobe problems front and increased brain pressure, epilepsy and other neurological diseases. Also, some medications may increase gape like some antidepressants and estrogen. The fever itself may increase the yawn as well as meningitis and acute kidney failure, liver failure and lack of thyroid and stomach ulcers and other.

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