الجمعة، 14 ديسمبر 2012

The popular therapists ... The legend of psychological medicine addiction helped to deploy!

Claim to cure all diseases and practicing medicine without a Sergeant
The popular therapists ... The legend of psychological medicine addiction helped to deploy!

Mental illness is not addressed by folk doctors

Of the problems that we face as doctors in psychiatric clinics is a problem folk remedy being done by some doctors and folk scattered in abundance in different regions of the Kingdom, and unfortunately they become healers Kthera so no one can know where and how visitor this huge numbers, and when they get the knowledge and experience that qualifies them to do the work. The first of these problems that these patients no one knows what qualifications or competence in the treatment of psychiatric patients. This area has become profitable after it became by any person without to have a license or certificate to practicing medicine. In almost all parts of the world does not exercise a treatment .. Any kind of treatment only if he holds a license and pay a tax for what it gets from the money paid by his patients, and there is the supervision of the competent authorities to monitor professional practice is the most important things a treat human health.
For us we have more than practicing traditional medicine are people do not have any qualification or experience of health institutions reliable, especially in the treatment of mental illness and mental health; more people do not have good information and correct for mental illness, and almost total ignorance mental illness and therapies modern missing when the lower classes of society and also when some members of the middle class, and almost the influence of ancient social culture prevalent in society as a whole, which does not believe in modern psychiatry and psychiatric drugs. Helped the spread Almadjian peoples myth that psychiatric drugs are medicines narcotic and addictive it, and unfortunately, the idea that psychiatric drugs are not only drugs numbness patient and have no effect therapeutic, this is wrong and distort much of the concept of psychiatric drugs, as anesthetics and drugs addicted it does not exceed the increase of only a very small proportion of psychiatric medications that are used to treat various diseases.
Species therapeutic which I think hurt patients are treatments that the patient physically abused, such that someone - most of the time be ignorant - diagnosis that the patient has a hernia (no slot) in the head, and he or the processing status of so-called "Allboukh or Alsboukh "It is a different materials mixed together are like mix mud-Turabi, who was formerly used for construction, does not know specifically what components, and may differ from the processor to the last, and perhaps made up of harmful substances or even dangerous to the health of the patient, and requiring the patient to put this mixture (Allboukh) on his head for a stretch of three weeks to a period has been lengthened to months, and require the processor to abstain if the patient was having any drugs psychological eating these psychiatric drugs, and this is a problem bacillus too, where it is often relapse if the patient stopped taking the treatment. Another problem that some patients were absent from work for three months without sick leave, and come to the clinic and asked the psychiatrist to give him leave for months absent from work, and this can not be done, because the leaves are not given retroactively, if desired doctor to help the patient It does give him leave from the date of attending the clinic, and here occurs another problem, if not with the patient sick leave from accredited hospital, and make matters worse, if the period of absence from work stretching for example, to three months, as some therapists ask patients invisibility ( away from people and isolation alone) for three months, and I do not know what is the logic that requires the patient to move away and become isolated from the people for a long time which puts this Allboukh on his head?. The other problem that the development of materials no one knows precisely what these substances they contain Allboukh may expose the person to be infected inflammation of the scalp or even more so and more damaging to the patient if inflammation may spread to the deeper parts of the brain. The problem is that you can not for the brain or head to be a hernia or vent, Valjmjma a bone contiguous solid and difficult to occur where Modded or hernia or vent, I do not know how incredibly people or people of a patient that Cape him vent or Modded or hernia?.
Patient told me that addressing popular the measure perimeter head string and said to him that his head where Modded (ie that there is a hole in the skull and come out of this hole air) and that he needs to treat this Altenseem Ballboukh made by this lady illiteracy and that makes this Allboukh and put it on the patient's head for may continue weeks or months and isolated the patient during this period and refrain from taking any drugs, and strange that more than going to like this lady respond to their requests, despite that this lady illiteracy does not know it seasoned on mental health treatment at the hands of a person having aware of diseases or medicine.
The treatment of people is very dangerous since ancient times was not practicing medicine only trained and authorized by a person or group of persons, and was famous physician Ibn Sina tested students who want to practice medicine, and works them exams and who can not prove its efficiency and proficiency Alhvat on patients 'lives and be a trusted and honest doctor on patients' lives and also be of high moral character in dealing with patients and keep their secrets, Ibn Sina was not permitted to exercise the profession of medicine or any other work related to the treatment of patients in any manner whatsoever.
Psychiatry has its assets, tools and trained doctors

Now some of the ignorant and illiterate people who don't know anything about medicine in the medical profession openly during the day without one of them do the work, although if a doctor open a clinic without a licence from the competent authorities, it shall be punished severely, while opening places to treat patients in the slum and in deserts and even luxury and luxury neighborhoods, they don't know anything in medicine and treating patients from all diseases, mental illness is the most prevalent In such places.

This method of treatment has led to serious complications for many patients and patients who have been treated with this type of treatment, and do not know how to fill this hole in the head, consistent or breathe non-sterile mix fully utilized what components and maybe some weed or substances that cause harm to the scalp and may cause serious infections for patients.

There are many other treatments of the popular almaalogon for psychiatric patients, for example, burned with fire despicable, to cause these Burns infections may lead these infections some patients to intensive care in view of the seriousness of the place where the iron head, and sometimes be inflated, causing painful and serious injury to the person. And the other thing I dont know what is a mental illness in ironing? The mental illness has nothing to do with branding, especially now in the modern era, especially in the last 30 or 40 years, there have been serious and advanced research using the latest equipment and techniques that made specially to examine the brain and how drugs work in the brain cells and how they are changing the balance of neurotransmitters in mental medicines manufactured in modern factories and companies paid billions to make the drug available on the market to address patients and is – to some extent – security and known how this works Therapy and what its symptoms and how it is used and when it is stopped.

Too many patients attending psychiatric clinics passed on two iron-on, place the head and ironing occurs when the scalp and many complications may occur by this process affecting the human body and cause inflammation of these wounds, unfortunately, not ironing in the head of any benefit in the treatment of psychological and mental diseases, but on the contrary that the pain and bad medical complications exacerbate psychological and mental diseases.

Other types of popular treatments through the treatment of psychiatric patients by passing an electric current in the patient's body, and this could kill the patient, and the wizard who uses such treatments without experience or knowledge of how to work, so went the victim this way treatment patients died due to electrocution. This very serious practices, unfortunately fork for such type of treatments, other treatments such as balsshwar treatments, and I don't know again what to do alsshwar in the treatment of psychological and mental diseases. The lady told me that the popular processor running alsshwar and passes it to the patients and patients in a strange way this is treatment for mental illness and mental health. I don't know how to convince the relatives and friends of the patient or the patient's psychological qualities of treatment. How do you convince a young father died as a result of these types of treatments that recognizes his son to people ignorant and let them do such dangerous acts, which have nothing to do with psychiatric treatment? After the death of the son of the deceased as a result parents exercise pardon someone clueless in treatment knows no gravity, is dumbfounded electricity patient call the patient directed by Djinn, and magic, yes yaghoi the father of the deceased patient psychological on the processor because the death occurred by mistake, and as much as, and perhaps even died in hospital myself without him one with physical abuse, maybe a father of patient complaints and judicial proceedings to take their legitimate doctors and almshchvi!.

Many practices harmful to the patient's psychological committed by ignorant people and people not involved in the treatment of psychiatric patients and did not know how they got to become physicians and psychiatrists may be treated for all psychiatric and organic, Roy Lee fellow person, has nothing to do with medicine or in one of the cities of the Kingdom, handles all strange ways diseases including cancer and kidney failure, and there believe that this illiterate man does not distinguish between diseases and named it addresses Diseases of the kidney failure which is a crash in an important and vital member of human life, unfortunately some are convinced of the ability of these ignorant person in the treatment of intractable disease?. Unfortunately no one preclude such person from the job killer that prevents the patient from resorting to hospitals specializing in treatment of such diseases. The specialized governmental agencies in the treatment of citizens, the Ministry of health is responsible for addressing traditional healers who contribute to the abuse and destruction of health of patients not treated and, unfortunately, these therapists who reminded them of exercising their places known and their famous work prospects and confidence and no one prevents them from exercising the profession of medicine, but the complexity of matters before the doctors when they open any clinic despite scientific qualifications and experience. The proliferation of popular clinics that treat patients in all disciplines have become widespread, and is more harm than good, especially on the subject of mental illness and mental health.

Victims have gone not klilion of psychopaths and who is not an account of these tragedies, we hope to heed to such things, the time has come to put an end to this Ministry malpractice and deadly.

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