الجمعة، 14 ديسمبر 2012

Diabetes nutrition

That a diet that is as to a diabetic patient by dietician is key to controlling diabetes. This is in addition to regular treatment described by the doctor, and sports. Also pay attention to the daily meal components in terms of quality and quantity, and basic food groups to eat are:

* Carbohydrates: are carbohydrates and sugars such as rice, pasta, potatoes, bread, grain-crops and foods made from grain and flour. These high calorie foods and raise the level of sugar in the blood, so the quantities specified must be adhered to by the dietician.

* Protein: it is found in meat, fish, legumes and eggs (preferably chosen white meat like chicken and fish).

* FAT: the highest groups in terms of calories you must reduce them where possible. There are two sources of fat, animal fat, such as margarine, butter and cream, it is rich in cholesterol and saturated fats — should be avoided as much as possible. There are vegetable fats such as olive oil, corn oil and nuts – preferably used instead of animal fat, but in limited quantities to avoid weight gain.

* Vegetables: contain vitamins, minerals and fiber, contain Zucchini, okras, Mallow, and eggplant, watercress, lettuce, cucumbers, and tomatoes. And other. The lowest groups in terms of calories therefore preferably most of the meal.

* Fruits: contain vitamins, minerals and fiber, such as oranges, apples, bananas, grapes, apricots, watermelon, melon. And other. And contain the amount of sugars, has committed itself to the quantity specified by the dietician.

* Milk and dairy products: it is rich in calcium and protein as milk, milk, yogurt and cheese, should be low-fat or fat-free.

These food ingredients generally but to determine the amount you must follow instructions dietitian. And be sure to eat fiber-rich foods such as bread and brown rice, you must split your food daily to several balanced meals plus (one to three) snacks as needed.

And diabetes, there is a series of important instructions:

* Meals on time and by specific amounts.

* Avoid fat and fried foods and the use of vegetable oils for cooking in small quantities.

* Avoid sweets and food that contain high amount of sugar and honey walshirh.

* When eating outside the home be sure to choose grilled dishes and vegetables, and avoid fries and desserts.

* Use a few milk products or fat-free.

* Remove the fat and skin from the meat before cooking.

* Use the power low-fat sauces and avoid fat-rich sauces.

* More than eating vegetables and use less rice and bread and potatoes in your diet.

* Add sugar industry as an alternative to sugar with coffee and tea as needed.

* Non-sweetened soft drinks (diet) and water instead of sugary drinks.

* Physical exercise regularly and make it part of your daily routine, sports help you lose excess weight, and maintain overall health and on the natural level of sugar in the blood.

* Department of nutrition

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