One of the most painful diseases and spread among the public at large
Depression ... Bitter coexistence and how to get rid of it
Severe depression makes a person live a life filled with sorrow and misery
Dr. Ibrahim Ibn Hasan al-Khudayr
Depression is one of the most painful for those who suffer from it. A
person who suffers from depression, severe depression makes a person
live a life filled with grief and misery, misery and not enjoy anything
in life, even the most suffering from depression see that life is not
worth living, and would prefer if they're dead, and feel that death is
their life, and some of them had ended his life by himself when his
depression to have him carry live with such feelings, and this so-called
suicide, depressed patients who succeed in Suicide and end their almost 15%, and this makes the depression at the top of the mental illness of the suicide.
also significantly prevalent disease among the general public, so that
the proportion of depression among the public, high up among men between
6 to 9% in women between 9 to 12%, and such a high percentage of
illness such as depression.
Years ago I attended the clinic Lady suffering from depression for many years. What distinguishes this lady is deployed and her eloquence in speech. It
was to express her feelings as a depressed woman who raised my
surprise, describing symptoms of depression that are wonderful, as is
read from a book about the symptoms of depression. It was the first time that I see people talking in the articulate and exact this figure reflects on the suffering. This was Ms. portfolio of Quran, and mentor in a school in Saudi Arabia. The
woman continued to consult me at the clinic for many years, until she
actually suffered from depression since twenty-five years. Addressed
during this time period of suffering from depression, almost most types
of antidepressant medicines but no response to any of these medicines,
but the side effects of the drugs problem was complicated, such as
weight gain or involuntary muscle movements or constipation and other
symptoms of antidepressant medicines. This patient has described her condition as "depression patient Kanye parked at the door of life. No more out of life and I can't enter this life! ". It speaks briefly about the confused patient depressed, you don't know what to do in his life? It is felt that outside this life because of depression that makes him feel that he is not in this life. Feel
that life events is not, at the same time has felt the source of
unhappiness for others but that the patient may feel depressed because
of the tragedy of the world, and that all the world's woes are because
of him, and this becomes a source of misery for patients depression. This lady suffered from depression for more than twenty-five years, described life with depression that felt empty inside ... There
are no feelings towards life or desire to live in this life, but they
complain about their survival and wish for death but do not want it to
end their lives; they don't want to commit suicide, but if anyone wishes
to give to end her life and end her torment!. I've
previously shared some sort of suicidal, in the sense that you are to
end her life, but with greater foresight, left the idea that she end her
own life.
lady is no longer interested in anything in their lives; they do not
eat only sparingly; ttaul one meal once a day, a piece of bread with
water, lost weight is worrisome, no longer interested in any marital
relationship for many years and no longer go to work a while ago, I left
work, and no longer have any desire to get out of the House, and no
longer have any energy to do anything at home aukharg home, so read that
if you enjoyed it, no longer able to Focus on
reading and no longer had the effort helps to read, despite the desire
to do something, but brooding decision, which makes it always idle,
otherwise, do not want to make any talk or dialogue with anyone, because
it does not find itself energy and ability to conduct such talks
[Diffuse disease significantly between the general public]
is widespread among the general public
Depression painful disease for all those who suffer from it, wrote Professor Anthony Clare, a professor of psychiatry and writer and presenter of programs on TV and radio, and has a program popular in the fourth program in the network BBC British, is a program "on a chair psychiatrist" and was a successful program dramatically and has a large audience of listeners, hosting a people and discuss with him in command of mental disorders, and guests can be patients of the celebrities who have suffered from mental disorders or psychiatric patients ordinary talk about their suffering with the disease and with treatment and how to deal with this disease. Program continued "on a chair psychiatrist" years and hosted many patients celebrities and ordinary and most discussed psychological and mental diseases and difficulties with patients and how to live with mental illness and mental health. Through its television and his radio program, wrote several books, was one of the books by, a book about depression with playwright famous Hospaak Mlijan, the book's title is: "depression and how to overcome it," was the book revolves around the issue of patient famous, who has suffered from depression From an early age in his life and accompanied him until the last days of his life. The book was published in 1994 and wrote Professor Anthony Clare that depressive disorder kills annually in Britain by suicide about 4000 people, this speech was twenty years ago, and now the number of people who commit suicide in Britain increased dramatically so that suicide has become one of the main reasons of death among young people in Britain ![]()
Painful for all those who suffer from it
patient depression spike mligan about how he suffered from depression
in adolescence and continued suffering in middle age and old age. The
vanities and the internal vacuum throughout his life; he talked about
the medicines for the treatment of depression and how did 462, even
electric shock therapy did not improve the symptoms of depression.
hear this lady talking about depression, I remember words and
descriptions I've read in a book written by Professor Anthony Clare with
spike mligan; modern words virtually the same; only the language is
different; here Ms. speak Arabic and book patient speaks in English.
this lady suffering from depression tried everything to overcome
depression, and did its best to cope with this serious and painful
disease in which the patient suffers from psychological pressure. That left Ms. ECT, and I think that they might benefit, but I'm not so sure. It
is true that ECT is the most effective and safe treatments for
depression, but sometimes does not give any result in the treatment of
chronic depression which has not responded to treatment with drugs.
The grief symptoms hemorrhoid sufferers miserable life
lady tried to coexist with depression all managed to reach of drug
treatments, and tried through psychotherapy, behavioral
therapy-cognitive, but did all of it. I tried
through the study of religion again perhaps something new emerges from
studies of religion, and which led her to study other religions, to know
what these religions and how you can benefit from some of the ideas
found in these religions, but found that all these religions just fruit
can flow to help her out of the depression years.
found this lady that coexist with depression is to live with these
symptoms and try to only make these symptoms tempered the grief their
lives as much as you can, know that it is not in a position to do so,
but I tried to live their lives quietly, but the isolation from others
and her weariness from all activities and things that were not to enjoy
it. Just as spike was mligan, who did not feel
any pleasure of pleasures of life even though he was rich, famous
writers and his stature in the literary community, he was a vacuum and
an internal vacuum as "alrheyeb vacuum" that makes life is not valuable,
how much thought in to end his life but could not, and he suffers from
depression and painful symptoms throughout his life. This lady repeated tragedy written by Spike mligan. Dialogue written by Professor Anthony Clare with the author, shows how dire the situation depressed patients. Written
by Spike mligan lived in an era not have antidepressant medicines
currently available, and have stronger effect and fewer side effects. With
all that remains part of the depressed patients do not respond to
medication, and remain a measure of last resort and is ECT with
medicines, the patient gives seven to twelve electric session while
continuing to take medications, and this may be the solution to wait
several weeks to see the impact of patient therapy sessions alkhriaeh
(or electric shocks).
In conclusion, we must point out that depression may be a chronic disease does not respond to medication but to other methods of treatment, the patient must not despair of healing, the healing hand of God Almighty and keep medicines and doctors a way to healing, but to the patient that the medicines even exhaust all ways to treat depression |
السبت، 8 ديسمبر 2012
Depression ... Bitter coexistence and how to get rid of it
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