الأحد، 16 ديسمبر 2012

Advisory laboratory

Treatment for white patches
* Um Rasha wondered whether treatment for white spots that appear on the nail and the reasons for its appearance on the fingers?
- Sister or Rasha show white spots on the fingers at different ages ie it affects adolescents and the elderly more, especially those who suffer general weakness, anemia or anemia may take different forms such as spots retained or in the form of lines may be crescent-shaped and are advised of showing these spots good nutrition, such as eating fresh vegetables and cooked like spinach, broccoli, okra, lettuce, celery, and fruits such as grapes, citrus, apples, pomegranates, cranberries, pineapple, nuts and honey and these spots fade and disappear good nutrition health.
Olive green paper
* Abu Ahsan asking whether olive green paper benefit for the treatment of blood pressure as sixty years old and suffers from high blood pressure?
- Brother Abu Ehsan paper olive green treatment fitter for high blood pressure where taken about 100 grams of paper green olives and add them 1 liter of water and boil 7 minutes and taken them Venjal coffee medium-sized three times a day and must reduce coffee, tea and left soft drinks such as cola and foods containing on Alcavian like Alchukokulath and energy drinks, kola nut and drink yerba mate and see a specialist doctor is important.
Suffers from excessive sweating
* Suhail twenty years old and says he suffers from sweating over this race in the summer does in terms of treatment he suffered from psychological problems before the people and close to the smell of sweat phenomenon?
- Brother Sohail sweating and abnormal and that appears on the members of the various body has reasons such as problems in the lungs infections and problems in the thyroid gland, or high blood sugar (to Diabats) and leads out race to the loss of water from the body and may cause Excessive Sweating and especially when the toes to fungal infection appear between the toes, especially when wearing socks so you should wash them daily with water and change underwear with washed thoroughly with soap and preferably exposed to the sun while using deodorants often do not work or benefit may be contaminated with bacteria or be contaminated with toxic metals such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, these metals are serious and detrimental to health private and continuity in their use and use of children in which dangerous to their health and development may push the use of a hundred ml of castor oil with one hundred grams of pulverized zinc pills mixed with castor oil and painted the armpit. Or dry grinding pomegranate peel 10 grams with a hundred ml of boiling water and leave to cool slightly and place sweating washes, as well as add one teaspoon ground from Albrkdosh to boiling water and let it cool and wash the place sweating benefit in removing race.
* Abu Mohammed asks for beeswax is there any benefit and how do we get it?
- Brother Abu Mohammed beeswax there him and white wax yellow and takes No. 901 in a series of figures food unrecognized in Europe is the result of a natural bee where is composed of beeswax Honey Comb and beeswax White produced after screening and bleaching wax yellow and used in whitening foods and is added to the medicines in cases of suppositories even medicines are ineffective slow and uses an improved taste fruits and dried, canned, and honey and use the optimizer to taste ice cream, pastries, sweets and used wax in the treatment of diarrhea and may cause the wax to bees sensitivity for some people, especially children.

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