الجمعة، 11 يناير 2013

Urology Clinic and sexual disorders

Urology Clinic and sexual disorders


* 26-year-old informed and have a testicular tumor among and between the anus and is fixed and sometimes increases and sometimes also was due and had underwent surgery in a hospital and recovered it and returned me again.

Please advise me the cure or any thing you have and thank you.


-That a tumor in the perineum area between the bottom of the scrotum and the anus may result from several causes of urethral diverticulum in or stretch out in merit like hernias or prostate abscess or fistula perianal or between urethra and skin as a result of the tightness in the urethra and others.

You can determine the cause of an ultrasound or x-ray magnetic resonance to that region with the equivalence of the urethra and bladder or photographed motorized hue. And as if this tumor for urethral diverticulum or hernia, if not fully eradicated, ytaaud and causes clinical symptoms. Mentioned.

Pee at night

* Thank you for your answer in my favorite newspaper «Riyadh» and respond to every question and I'm one of the followers and ask where I was 45 years old and have a problem from a long time almost 10 years and did not do any clinic and I have a pee during the night is involuntary urination I deep sleep than embarrass me in front of my wife when I I moistened my clothes, please advise me and thank you very much?

Father Rams

-That you this my brother Abu Rami may get 2% to 3% when older men may be due to several reasons including overactive bladder and lack capacity and reduced external valve during urination and immaturity of the nerve centre in the brain responsible for controlling urine and possibly also to deep sleep or neurological reasons or lesions in the urinary system. It may also due to hormonal disorders such as high blood diabetes. A precise diagnosis can be reached with full clinical examination and laboratory analysis and dynamic examination of the bladder and external valve and genito urinary rays. Processed by cause diagnosed and may include drugs such as «alamibramine» and «alminerine», night and other alarm with high success.

Cultivation of ureter in bladder.

* I want to consult Dr. in the process will be for my son for the cultivation of the ureter in bladder, where it has one college and have frequent urinary infections.


-The process of replanting the ureters is usually in case of the urine from the bladder to the College to a high degree if not responsive to antibiotic drug therapy for several years or if you do not respond to inject material hardened in the ureters by cystoscopy which gives good results in many of those cases, because of a congenital obstruction in the lower ureter with emphysema and lack of functionality. The cultivation situation give excellent results with success in about 98% of these cases if performed by a specialist in urology has extensive experience in conducting.

* I'm a sick man suffering from cirrhosis and severe pain in the testicles and has reviewed several hospitals and they told me that my treatment is very difficult and not my cure. What do you think?


-Rarely cause fibrosis in the testes pain as they complain, and testicular pain causes may be different and include chronic inflammation in the epididymis or testicle nerve tension around the spermatic cord or spinal lesions as a herniated disc or other neurological illnesses or diseases in the sink or to psychological reasons. Can clinical examination and injection of spermatic cord with topical anaesthetic and cortisone and an MRI on the spine and pelvis to discover the causes of such pain and processed successfully.

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