السبت، 5 يناير 2013

Walking 3 hours weekly may protect women from stroke

Walking 3 hours weekly may protect women from stroke
Spanish study indicates the relationship between the work and the risks of specific diseases
Walking,stroke,Stem cells,Multiple Sclerosis,Ms,Health,Medicine,Disease,الخلايا الجذعيه,الصحه,الطب,الامراض,التصلب المتعدد
Women who exercise walking for at least three hours per week not less prone to stroke, compared to women who walk for less time or not in those sports are useful at all, as a Spanish study.

Although the study could not prove that jogging regularly can reduce the incidence of stroke among women participating in the study had contributed some evidence of the existence of such a relationship between specific types of exercises and the risk of certain diseases.

In this study were asked approximately 33,000 had lost a man and a woman on the physical activity to once in the mid-1990s as part of an extensive study of European cancer. In this study, the research team participants divided according to gender and type of exercises and total time spent in the performance of physical exercises.

The researchers, who published their results in the journal "stroke", the participants periodically to record any cases of stroke. During follow-up, which lasted for 12 years, 442 cases of stroke among men and women participating in the study.

The results pointed to a decrease of 43% in the risk of stroke among women who exercise regularly walking compared to women who do not engage in any physical activity.

The study did not show any reduction in the risk of stroke in men, depending on the quality or duration of exercise.

The study author, said Jose Maria hiorta of Spain health authority: "we don't have a clear explanation for this phenomenon," the assumption that men have participated in this study and are enjoying better health status than women.

Most participants in the study were blood donors who are in good health.

Dr. Wilson said Cova, University of Chicago, he could not rely on the results of this study, because it is applied on a very special quality of people, but he returned and emphasized the importance of physical activity to reduce the risk of many diseases, including stroke.

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