الاثنين، 7 يناير 2013

Lime improves blood circulation and nervous flickering

Lime improves blood circulation and nervous flickering

Preparation: Prof. Jaber Bin Salem Al-Qahtani Professor drugs

Linden Tree up to 30 m with gray bark and durable smooth leaves cardioid bear clusters of twigs headers flowers bright yellow.

Plant scientifically known as Tilia, the Linden Spp Tiliaceae.

Original home of the Linden plant is Europe growing ground but now grown.

The user of the plant are pale yellow flowers that contain flavondiat the most important compound in the chemical group is compound alkoirisine walkamvirol and also include other tannins and fatty acid and gelatinous material as well as alkaviek acid and oil balbenzodiazbine-like compounds.

Uses: the composite alkoirisine improves blood circulation as in Ginkgo leaf And lime treat antispasmodic and sweating and is released tension headaches and help to create the mind and lets sleep easily. And Linden of the best medicine for stress, panic or fear in particular is used to treat nervous palpitations and remedy for colds and flu, relieves nasal flu as Linden are commonly used to lower high blood pressure. There is a preparation of Linden blossoms as ointment in France used to treat itching. Linden also introduces in German medicine in the mixture for the treatment of asthma.

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