الخميس، 3 يناير 2013

Bran disease rosacea

Bran disease rosacea

Bran,rosacea,Stem cells,Multiple Sclerosis,Ms,Health,Medicine,Disease,الخلايا الجذعيه,الصحه,الطب,الامراض,التصلب المتعدد

The transmission time of chapters abound on diseases like the opportunity seized various viruses and bacteria to spread among members of society, except for respiratory diseases of cold and cold and flu and other, diseases of the skin, and here we will focus on a pink, Bran is a skin disease incidence increases by benign during the special seasons of change fall and spring.

There is no known cause of infection although unconfirmed hypotheses on factors may play a secondary role in infection, such as a viral infection or irritation or sensitization of the skin as a result of wearing knitwear or exposure to certain therapeutic drugs such as chloroquine drug used in malaria treatment and prevention.

To diagnose this disease you must go to a doctor who specializes in skin diseases which usually diagnoses the patient with rashes and spread in various body areas.

And despite rapidly spread the disease among school students and those attending public places but scientifically it hard disease is contagious, which is not transmitted from person to person.

It is usually classified for several types of a common type, and type may and children significantly, vesicular and Bullous type which affects adults in the feet and hands there are bran reversed they pink rash on the skin or the folds of the skin such as armpits instead of spreading in the chest, back and abdomen.

And noted that this disease affects different age groups, in particular those between the age of 10 and five years of age, the rate of infection among females is higher than males.

Usually the symptoms that appear on 50% of sufferers is fatigue and fatigue before the advent of the year of the disease. Which often begins with the appearance of pink spot and prominent oval surface with a little note on its interior Peel all of the abdomen, chest, back, known as the initial patch so that it precedes the other and be the largest ones, some patients may not observe the existence of this spot only after widespread rashes throughout the body in a period of time ranging from a few days to two weeks, this period may be accompanied by fever, sore throat, and itchy and may be severe in some cases with loss Appetite and abdominal colic.

This disease does not require therapeutic intervention which usually disappears on its own in a period ranging between six and eight weeks, but for the mind of some softening itching if necessary as anti-personnel anti-histamine treatments or creams containing cortisone in simple ratios provided by the full body but should focus on places of injury only, as it is taking a bath mild heat and avoid using fiber or any physical exertion leads to sweating, and increased skin irritation, and generally the patient should be displayed Or the person to a doctor who is to determine the manner and type of treatment.

It is reassuring that 98% of cases, recovering completely, and in the case of children who have not attained the age of two years of age the child heal within a short time of up to two days as acquired body Autoimmunity after infection of any disease not only in rare cases.

* Section services

Health education

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