الثلاثاء، 11 ديسمبر 2012

Obesity ... Why is it treated?

Released this year 2012 book "The Fat Switch key fat" by Dr. Richard Johnson kidney specialist doctor which offers by writing new and exciting scientific studies volatility known ways of thinking about obesity and treating it upside down. During his research on the causes of overweight Dr. Johnson discovered why it is difficult to treat obesity, and why many cannot maintain that they are achieving in weight, they recover him again quickly. Dr. Johnson says: "living with obesity eat large amounts of food because of the" wrong "key, fail to exercise due to low energy. If people could control key stored in each cell of cells, mitochondria, they then have fighting obesity.

This book explains why permission not strictly Muslim existed such as the cause of obesity is consuming many calories with limited motion (lack of exercise), the reason is the type of intake is largest in human obesity is increasing consumption of sugar fructose. Like the modern lifestyles of using public transportation rather than walking and other are the causes of obesity. It stated that changes in the body that lead to gluttony and laziness and lack of movement. To illustrate his book recalls Dr mechanism that experiments on rats in laboratories where two groups of rats, making the same amount of foods that have the same number of calories and rich in sugars (sugars 40%), but researchers have changed in the same foods, made the type of sugar in foods first set sugar glucose, and made the second group type of sugar fructose. After the researchers found that the second group (on fructose) were all obesity-related diseases such as liver cirrhosis and insulin resistance syndrome, hypertension and diabetes. The first group (the sugar glucose), failed to hit any of those diseases!!

Therefore, it is not the number of calories is how to represent the body of the sugar fructose and glucose. The body typically uses the energy to burn energy (i.e. food and benefit from representation), the body to burn fructose (benefit) requires much more energy than burning of glucose, fructose causes burning in energy depletion of cells for a short period which reduces the efficiency of its work and causes oxidative stress oxidative stress, which makes the body produces uric acid, which has a major role in the incidence of obesity.

And outcome information that someone wants to protect himself, God willing, from diseases caused by obesity to reduce the sugar fructose what could. Either suffer from obesity and related diseases which we mentioned above they must as far as possible by reducing hours of fructose sugar and refined carbohydrates in general because the body converts (through complex processes) starches to fructose sugar within the body.

Finally, balverktos rich foods is high-fructose corn syrup (which is unfortunately in most processed foods you must read content lists on the packaging to avoid), breakfast cereal, pastries, yoghurt, soft drinks and juices (even asirat fruits especially apple juice and cider PEAR cider), honey, dried fruit and canned. For fresh fruit the richest balverktos are apples, pears, melons and berries. As least in the sugar fructose, pineapple, citrus and black berries and red berries

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