الأحد، 9 ديسمبر 2012

10 minutes can be tamed and ease tension

10 minutes can be tamed and ease tension
Include a focus on scenes of calm and breathe slowly and deeply
الأمواج على الشواطئ تؤدي إلى تقليل التوتر 
Once, one representative said that comedians "the best cure for Insomnia is to get a greater share of sleep", but this is not always easy.

A new study suggests that a new and simple method it takes 10 minutes could reduce tension, making it easier to sleep and continue to sleep. This method, which was designed to exercise before going to bed, mental focus to a quiet and comfortable, like waves on the beaches or quiet lake surrounded by tall trees, breathing slowly and deeply, according to the newspaper "the Middle East".

Says Dr. Warren Eliasson, research adviser with the heart health project "integration", which aims to promote health and reduce risk of heart attack in Walter Reed National Medical Center "in Bethesda, Maryland:" this method on previous work which emphasizes the tension negatively affect sleep. There are many known risk factors for heart disease, such as smoking, diabetes and high cholesterol in the blood, but the known factors for tension is extremely low. "

The study, presented last October at the annual meeting of the «American College of chest physicians in Atlanta, this method reduces the time it takes for a person to go to sleep and improves the quality of sleep and reduces stress.

According to the US National Center for sleep disorders research ", 30 to 40% of adults suffer from some symptoms of insomnia, such as inability to sleep or inability to sleep, as well as 10 to 15% of adults suffer from chronic insomnia.

One expert in the field of sleep on that caution should be exercised in interpreting the results of this study, says Dr abaragitha Verma, Medical Director for comprehensive sleep disorders programme» at Methodist in Houston: '' it's not a new method, but the name of (tame concerned) merely fictitious name, as long as to reduce stress plays a major role in helping people to sleep. While emphasizing Verma to reduce stress in any form will be clear consequences in this case, it is important to know the real reason why people have difficulty sleeping.

The study also showed that sleep problems are associated with increased risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease and depression, accidents on highways and other problems.

Although reducing stress is beneficial, Verma that the benefits are not so high, where it says: "will help you to sleep, but it does not guarantee you the quality of good sleep or no sleep problems, for example.

Recommend Verma people relax well before going to sleep and forget about all topics and other effects that have occurred during the day. Fermat adds: "you should make sleep a priority of your life".

Since this study was presented at a medical meeting and have not been published in the medical journal, the data should be considered as the findings just metadata.

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