الاثنين، 24 ديسمبر 2012

Alkhiash plant to expel intestinal worms

Dr. Jaber Bin Salem Al-Qahtani

Alkhiash perennial herb has many branches up to 120 cm. leaves opposite and bushy and divided, fissured into several avsas, its flowers are white to yellowish in all plant parts, solid and lobed fruits are somewhat similar to the fruits of chickpeas and contain small seeds are quite solid.

Original home llkhiash Middle East and North Africa and southern Europe, and subtropical regions homeland, including Australia. Alkhiash plant spreads in Northern Saudi Arabia and Northern Hijaz and North, and the eastern region.

Know alkhiash scientifically Peganum harmala, Zygophyllaceae.

And the user of alkhiash seeds and roots that contain the alkaloids alandol and walharmlin mosques include walharmlol which looks like a harmless effect of alkaloids in leaf alayadaskao leaf aliohmih leaf red Passionflower. They also have biganine wevarsinon.

Uses: used alkhiash in the Middle East since ancient times as a means to cause poisoning, and was known to the two Greek dskordis and Galen in the famous Arab Ibn Sina counterpart and has also been used to expel intestinal worms and induce menstrual bleeding.

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