الجمعة، 21 ديسمبر 2012

Psychological and social counselling

D. Ibrahim bin Hassan Khudair

Need to pair
* I hesitated a lot before writing to you, although I follow-ups to write in Riyadh newspaper, but decided at the last command that write you my problem, it may also be a problem others of women, despite what my problem by may be awkward, but for me the problem of suffering and I think that some of the women in the community who are in such modes may suffer from this problem. Sir I Lady in the thirty-fourth of age, a widow with four children, my husband died several years ago and left me four children and put me material very well, I am also working in a job with pay good Crown entered last us live I and my children in a good position, but my problem frankly is I miss the man in my life, and more clearly miss intimate life, and I can not tell anyone about this issue, fearing that explains this wrong. I said to my mother that I was thinking of marriage and I need a pair, but my mother told me that I live for my children and I have to think in the future and the lives of my children, and I leave thinking about marriage and brought a man may be harmful to my children, mother must blowing her life to her children, and she asked me why ينقصك? You live in affluence of living and Many Ihsdnk and your financial situation and there is no man gripped your life!. My problem that I can not tell my mother that I miss the intimacy with a man be my husband, because I really miss this aspect of my life. Men proposed to me a lot, but most of them had wanted to dating, and I do not want this kind of marriage, although I sometimes think that actually married dating even though I know that my parents would not agree to that. I do not know how my problem has permitted, and more of my family members reject the idea of ​​my marriage because of my children, and I feel like I really need a man in my life, but I can not disclosed the real reason for my family to my desire to marry. Always my parents hear me talk, such as: Why ينقصك in your life? Even looking for a man that might impair your life you and your children!. Silent and I can not answer why real desire to marry because he is not allowed for a woman to disclose her wishes physical and need to Rafik life, especially I think I I still small and need for a companion gives me love and affection and sex, because my children do not give me these feelings and sensations, I do not know what to do so I understand my parents and my family I want real?.
C. Q
- Madam virtuous, do not hide something if I told you that your story is not the first that ran, it was over for me in the women's clinic to have the same problem, and suffer the same suffering that you are suffering. It must be remembered that the sexual instinct in man;, whether male or female, and put God Almighty until breeding between humans, and that is satisfying this Ghazazh by marriage, which urged the Islamic religion. Problem lady in your situation is the problem really complicated, you a widow you four children, and the community we have in most circles, wants women to devote themselves to the care and raising children, but forget the need for women to man; companion for trained and give love and compassion as well as intimacy that women need as the man needs. Yes, there are differences in sexual desire among women, Some is not out of sex is important and necessary for them, but there are other women they lack sex and feel that is important in their lives and they need to pair to meet the desires of physical as it is emotional. The problem is that a lot of parents do not know this case, does not feel that sex may be a necessity in some women, and they really need a pair to spare themselves, so ask if a woman widowed or divorced and have children, to remain in order to raise her children and not Ansahunha remarry , so as not to hurt the children. I think the lady in your situation, you are already at a young age, have a right to marry again manner ترينها appropriate for you and your children. I think you need to Tguenaa your family need you to pair indirectly, because you really need to pair gives you what you would like from all the feelings and emotion. I beg you from God to reconcile God and overcome the difficulties in front of you and to have a man who is right for you from all sides and to be a father last for the children.

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