الجمعة، 28 ديسمبر 2012

Epileptic is harmless for the brain!

Epileptic is harmless for the brain!

A recent study showed that long seizures in children with epilepsy are not all harmful.

The study included 74 children suffering from epilepsy and who undergo assessment for brain health and mental skills during 10 years of follow-up.

Tests showed that children who faced bouts of cramping caused by high body temperature for long periods were natural results

The researchers said they found that only one child was infected by the Middle temporal sclerosis, is a type of brain damage, which is more common in people with temporal lobe epilepsy. This suggests that links between bouts of cramps associated with child overheating and damage to the brain is much weaker than previously thought.

The researchers also noted that they have a clear reason for confidence that children with epilepsy during childhood, may have good results and a significant improvement in their health in the long term.

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