الثلاثاء، 25 ديسمبر 2012

Dental clinic

The most common dental diseases

* What are the most common dental diseases?

The most common dental diseases can be identified and broken down by age children is more common with decay while adults after the age of 40 less cavities and gum disease emerges.


* What are the best types of toothpastes and toothbrushes?

-Any toothpaste contains fluoride material sponsor in the prevention of dental diseases and use brush with plastic soft hairs.

Drag the nerve

* Why does a drag nerve?

-Because the bacteria when it reaches the heart of age improve patient extreme pain which calls for the withdrawal of Assab.

Tartar and plaque

* What's the difference between Tartar and plaque?

-Plaque is a layer of bacteria accumulate alialasnan every 12 hours and are removed by brushing and flossing as lime it calcify on teeth and is more solid than the plaque.

A sense of coolness

* Some suffer from a sense of coolness in his teeth, why is this?

-Because the cavities erode ivory layer in age leading to exposure very delicate ivory layer.

Dental cleaning and many more leads and even brush, PuTTY, what are the most effective way?

In fact there are many ways to clean teeth and differed in different types and materials used and one of the most important and most successful dental cleaning methods is when the dentist and periodically every six months or every year maximum, this way is the best way and the correct scientific and human comes clean teeth daily continuous altfrish Goodnight and right over the scientific doctor teeth and there is nothing wrong if human medical use threaded to clean between teeth correctly and cute as doctor teeth.


* Some of the complaining out of their mouths, smelly is due to teeth or gums? And what is the solution?

-Is often the source of odors from the mouth and why a septic bacterial spots formed on the teeth and filled parts walmtnkhrh and accumulation of some leftover foods in tooth decay and cavities rundown. These residues with time rot and fetid and foul odors launches and is harmful to oral health and human health and public health, as well as periodontal infections and soft tissue in the mouth smell foul and lime deposits accumulation alklhaih on teeth and gums gives smell annoying and unpleasant to the mouth and not brushing teeth daily organizer before going to sleep and not oral and dental wash with water after eating leads to a stench in the mouth and the perfect solution to eliminate the stench in the mouth is continuing periodic visits to the dentist every six Months and remove all lime deposits alklhaih with full teeth cleaning and a fluoride layer when a doctor our teeth and dental and molars filled almtnkherh if simple and small in order to avoid any suffering and pain and eliminate the stench of the mouth.

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