الخميس، 27 ديسمبر 2012

Sports and diabetes in children

Sports and diabetes in children

Sport is an essential component to regulate blood sugar and the quality of aerobics according to age, gender, health status and the individual's own capacity.

But you should consult your doctor or diabetes educator before beginning regular sports program to help children and adolescents diabetics test kind of sport.

Sports with nutrition is one of the most important parts of treatment for type 2 diabetes, but type I diabetes in children sports is an important part of life as any normal person but basic treatment is insulin, so sports help children reduce the dose of insulin with the help of a therapist, and more importantly this is the usual child's sports cause a lack of blood glucose level due to increased sensitivity of insulin in the body, and in some few cases increase the level of glucose in the blood due to increased secretion of Adrenaline.
A study on 50 child diabetes blood glucose levels on which they for long periods without movement, and another day they exercise the exercise so that the dose of insulin in both cases, exercise in the form of exercises for an hour-and at 4 pm-to lower levels of blood sugar on the 14-hour (during the night) and the readings of blood sugar between 110-150 mg/dl, those who did not engage in sports in that day, The reading of 150-200 mg/dl.

When we talk about sports among children of diabetics do not intend to sit down with sports, this kind of sport is Hamid because the body does not benefit the versa leads to laziness and help eat more junk food that lead to obesity and type II diabetes.

One of the benefits of aerobics:

1. they play an important role in the regulation of sugar and fat in the body.

2. maintain ideal weight.

3. reduce the amount of insulin used by increasing insulin sensitivity in the body.

4. to draw alglaikogin stored in the muscles and the consumption of glucose and hypoglycemia.

How we exercise true:

1. make sure that the health status of the patient by a doctor.

2. make sure that blood sugar before starting the sport and better blood sugar level should be between 150-180 mg/dl.

3. the work of the sport gradually and increase the duration and intensity of the sport for the required rate, then create the body heating exercises for 5-10 minutes and is terminated by relaxing exercises.

4-create a sport you love then devoted time to rest during exercises if necessary.

5. lack of exercise when the accidental injury or disease resulting from exercise.

6. measurement of blood sugar must be before, during and after sport in two hours with a light snack during sport and to avoid emergency declines.

Precautions when exercising:

1. wear sportswear.

2. the companion as a colleague or a family member or friend to help you decrease the sugar.

3. download tariff card or card that you are a diabetic and insulin doses were also used.

4. choose the place and time for action sports.

5. drink water and liquids when you sleep.

* Department of Endocrinology and diabetes children

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